Years ago, when our girls were little, we invited a few young families over on a summer evening for a meal around the patio. We had a pool at that house, so we told the kids they could bring their swimsuits to play in the pool while the parents visited and kept an eye on them. We grilled herbed chicken and served it with good summer side dishes. When the food was ready, we prayed and let the children eat on towels in the yard. At some point during our meal conversation, one of the kids yelled across the yard, "Mom, did you try this chicken? It tastes like it came from a restaurant!" We all had a good laugh and ever since that night, our family has referred to this chicken simply as ... Read more
September Tea and Scones: Welcoming Autumn!
Good morning, friends! Today I'm kicking off something I've had swirling around in my head for a couple of years and I'm so excited to finally do it! Each month I'm going to feature a new scone recipe paired with a seasonal tea suited for that particular month. It'll be our own little "tea and scone of the month club" and I hope you'll join me in trying these recipes and tea blends! I know this month is almost over, but I'm going ahead and squeaking in a September teatime post because my daughter and I had a lovely tea with friends last weekend, and I tried a new recipe that was delicious and a perfect welcome to fall. If you're not able to try this September pairing before this sweet ... Read more
A Ladies’ Night Menu
Hello! I hosted a Norwex party at my house Monday night and my ladies and I had a great time together learning about the cleaning products, visiting with each other, and eating! I've had several ladies ask for the recipes, so I thought I'd share those today. I served a tomato pesto tart, grilled herb chicken, and Italian salad. I've shared this tomato tart recipe before but it's definitely worth reposting. My daughter and I love this tart! She was so excited when I told her I was making it and she doesn't even like tomatoes! And I've found that most people who don't like tomatoes end up liking this tart once they've tried it. I like to serve the tart when I'm hosting women for a ... Read more
Good Morning and Good Monday!
The ladies are coming tonight and that makes me so happy! I have a full list to accomplish today. I enjoy having company and I equally enjoy being productive and marking off a to-do list! I headed outside early to get my outdoor stuff done before the heat sets in for the day. I wanted to get my front porch looking freshened up, so I swept and brushed out the chairs, watered the plants, and pulled out any dead leaves. All of my beds need weeding, but I just focused on getting this front bed freshened up for today so my guests would have a nicer entrance. No need to kill myself before company comes! I'll work on weeding the side beds another day this week, but this was enough for today. ... Read more
Creekside Picnic Supper
In my previous post I mentioned that my friend Missy has a daughter who recently became engaged. We are thrilled for this sweet young lady and her fiancé! They are perfect for each other and so sweet together. A couple of days before the engagement, Missy texted me to see if my daughter could come up with a way to get her daughter out of their house for a few hours the day before the engagement to allow Missy some time to prep for their family celebration meal which would follow the engagement. We were happy to oblige! The girls are both nature lovers and always love to treck through the woods anytime they get together at our house or theirs, and they had been saying they wanted to ... Read more
“Let’s Be Friends” Teatime
I enjoy preparing tea parties for different occasions with pretty table settings, several courses, and an abundance of hot tea. My friend Missy throws her share of full-spread tea parties as well. However, in an effort to simply experiment with tea blends and expand our scone-baking skills, Missy and I decided to get together on a regular basis without the fancy themes and elaborate spread for the purpose of trying one new scone recipe and one or two new tea blends, so we have fresh ideas for when there are bigger tea parties to throw with groups. We take turns trying out new recipes for these simple afternoon teatimes. Our daughters join us too. And sometimes our sons will pop in to sit and ... Read more
Mother’s Day Fancy
I'm continuing to catch up on my spring posts and today I'm covering Mother's Day. We hosted my husband's side of the family this year and while my sweet husband insisted that I not work too much on Mother's Day, I assured him that getting to set a feminine table for the ladies would not be work at all but, on the contrary, would bring me great pleasure! I set up the dining room for the ladies so we could have a frilly table and the men had the kitchen table set just for them so they wouldn't have to endure the pink and fluff, haha! I've had this April Cornell tablecloth for so many years and I've always called it my "Mother's Day tablecloth" because the floral pattern and soft ... Read more
“The Next Chapter” Graduation Sunset Tea
Hello again! Yesterday I shared some photos from a graduation luncheon my friend Kelli hosted for our daughters with our life group mothers and daughters. It was a lemon theme to mark the girls’ “fresh start” for the college years! You can read about it here. Today I'm back to share the evening tea I hosted for the girls and their soccer friends (plus another friend and a cousin). First let me back up and share about a tea my girls and I attended a couple of years ago that my friend Missy hosted for her daughter's graduation. Y'all, this was the tea party of ALL tea parties, and you need to go read both of her posts as soon as you finish this one! It was a Hobbit themed sunset tea, and ... Read more
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