Spring is almost here! I’ve truly enjoyed the last couple of winter months so much, but my front porch has seemed dead for a while. Lately, I’ve just lacked motivation to tackle projects around the house, but I finally decided it was at least time to spruce up my front entrance.

For a couple of years now I’ve been wanting a door basket, but everywhere I checked they seemed pricey. Last week I managed to catch the 50% off basket sale at Hobby Lobby so I bought a door basket, a few new flower stems, and a fresh roll of ribbon. This was so easy to assemble because I just dropped the flower stems in the basket and tied a simple, flowy bow on the side. No gluing or wiring required, and it will be so easy to change out the flowers as needed.

Over the weekend my husband and I made a trip to Lowe’s and bought a couple of ferns which always thrive at my front door all throughout spring, summer, and most of fall. I moved my “Welcome” plaque to the brick wall with the chairs and plant stand.

We have had so much rain lately (not complaining though–I love rain!) that I as soon as my door mats dry out from one long rain, another rainy day comes along and soaks them all over again.

I need to get busy with other little spruce ups around the house, but I was happy to mark this first one off the list and hopefully it will spur me on to the next one!
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Your front porch is always so welcoming! I feel relaxed and welcome before I even ring the bell!
Well that is just so sweet! It thrills me to know you feel welcome upon arrival and I hope you always want to stay a good long while! 🏠 💕
Lovely! I have a basket on my front door, but it doesn’t have any ribbon on it. Thanks for the bow inspiration!! I’m headed to check out my ribbon stash to see what I can use on my basket. 🙂
Thanks, Whitney! I keep a ribbon stash too! Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby’s 50% off are my favorite ways to stock up. Happy spring!
So beautiful!!
Thank you, friend!! 🙂
That is such a pretty fresh spring welcome! I have been looking for ferns for an event this weekend! Those are beautiful and now I know where to locate them!
Thanks, Mom! I was astonished at how expensive ferns had gotten this year and I wish I’d gone to Costo for them because I know they’re a better price there but still nice and big! But I feel like they’re a good investment for the number of seasons I get out of them.
Your front porch is so lovely and inviting, Alinda. I’m feeling inspired. 😉
Ahh yay, so glad it inspired!!