Hi there! Today I have some snapshots to share from a week that included a birthday, a bridal shower, and Valentine’s Day!

Birthday Girl
Our firstborn had a birthday last weekend and it’s so hard to believe the little girl in this photo is now twenty-three! This photo was taken the Easter she was just three years old and I had made her dress and hairbow to match her doll’s. Too bad her doll isn’t in the photo. Such memories! Look at that sweet face. We didn’t get to see her on her birthday this year since she and her husband are living in Texas, but we had a fun FaceTime call with them.

Kitchen Shower
My sisters and sister-in-law and I threw a kitchen bridal shower for my nephew’s fiancé and it was so much fun! She is the sweetest girl and we are so happy for the two of them. I’ll share more about this gathering next week but for now this photo is a little sneak peek. And yes, that flower arrangement is in a mixer!

Valentine’s Dinner
I love Valentine’s Day so much, but we went a little lower key this year due to so many other things going on. The kids got their Valentine chocolates and a couple of “trinkets” that morning, but then the day went on as usual. My son and I were in Aldi that afternoon and he asked if we could get their heart pasta like we had last year. I had seen it a couple of weeks ago but thought he might feel too old for it this year, so I was surprised he asked for it. So, we got the heart pasta and some chicken and shrimp to make a creamy pasta dish plus ingredients for a wedge salad, and then we went home to throw together a Valentine’s meal.

My daughter had soccer practice that night and wouldn’t be home until later so it was just the three of us. Look how cute–my son took photos of all the food before we ate. I don’t know where he gets that from!! LOL!

For dessert we had cupcakes leftover from the kitchen shower with white chocolate raspberry ice-cream, fresh raspberries, and cherry jellybeans.

By the way, how do you eat your cupcakes? Have you tried the trick with tearing off part of the bottom to make a cupcake sandwich? If not, give it a try! I heard about this a few years ago and haven’t gone back to the old way. You get a good cake to icing ratio in each bite and it’s easier to eat too.

This Tillamook ice-cream was fabulous! It is so creamy and delicious! It’s pricier than the off brand that I usually buy but I don’t mind for special occasions.

And these cherry jellybeans were so good. We saw these at Winn Dixie for just about a dollar and my daughter loves jellybeans, so I brought them home. I’m not a big jellybean fan but these won me over.

The flowers were left over from the kitchen shower. I didn’t do any decorating for Valentine’s this year because I was hosting the shower with blues and golds and didn’t want to have to keep swapping Valentine and shower decor out throughout the month, but I did order these wooden hearts this year from White Cottage Company. My daughter and I enjoy watching White Cottage Co. on YouTube and saw these on one of her videos and thought they were so cute, so I went to her Etsy shop and ordered them.

Our BINGO group was lively this month! After there had been low crowds due to so much sickness in the assisted living facility the last couple of times, it was good to see so many residents joining us this week. We had a great time.

Morning Walks with a Friend
My sweet friend and neighbor is joining me now for morning walks and I’m thoroughly enjoying the time with her. We talk about everything along the way and return to our families ready to tackle the day!

Home Sweet Maison
My daughter gave me this lovely book for Christmas, and I enjoy reading a little each night before bed. Author Danielle Postel-Vinay offers some interesting ideas to think about as far as the purpose and setup of each room in our homes. Maybe I’ll share some of those ideas soon.
I hope you all have a sunny weekend! Our family has had some busy weeks lately and more coming up, so this weekend we plan to just relax and hang out together with no big projects to work on or places to be. Maybe a movie marathon?
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Flowers in the mixer is GENIUS! So stinking cute! Looks like y’all had a fun filled week.
Thank you, Missy! I can’t take credit for the idea, but I sure had fun arranging the flowers and will definitely do it again for any kind of kitchen or cooking themed gathering!
Can’t wait to see more shower pictures! And I’m loving the walks as well ❤️It feels like they end too quick; I could keep talking 😆
Oh, me too! We definitely cover all the topics, don’t we! 😂
So many events in one week adds up to so much fun and so many wonderful memories!!
And yes, that brand and flavor ice cream is delicious!
Oh my, isn’t it though! 🍦 I’ve only had the Cherry and the white choc raspberry, but I’d like to work my way through all the flavors! 😋