Good morning! The wedding posts are still in the works and will pick back up next week, but for today I’m sharing a few snapshots of the week. When I did this several weeks ago as “Friday Five”, I had several friends tell me they enjoyed it, so I’ve decided to make it a regular. Most bloggers post their weekly photo summary on Fridays but I’m going to make mine on Saturdays to keep Fridays open for “Fluff the Nest” posts.
So here goes!
With the wedding behind us, we feel like we finally began our summer break this week. The fun activities, slow mornings, summery foods, and evenings outdoors with crickets singing. Ahhh, I love it so!

Summer Grilling
We grill year around, but there’s just something so wonderful about summer grilling! One afternoon, I assembled and seasoned shish kebabs for dinner and had everything ready for my husband to put on the grill when he got home. I should have had the kebabs marinating longer because even though the flavor was really good, they weren’t as tender as we prefer. But still a good summer meal!

Baking Day
I have been itching to bake for several weeks so I finally got in the kitchen one afternoon and whipped up a batch of Monster Cookies, one of our favorites! We had some new neighbors move in next door, so I packaged some to take when going over to introduce myself. We still had plenty left for our family to enjoy.

Summer Pumpkin Patch?
Pumpkins might be for autumn, but they start in the summer! After working out the kinks from their first attempt at a growing pumpkins last year, my husband and son are going for year 2 and this was the week to prep the patch. My son pulled weeds, turned the soil, and redefined the border. Seed will go in the ground next week. I sure love summer, but the thought of pumpkins and fall in our future is a happy one!

Lunch Out
My younger 2 and I had a few errands to run in our little downtown, so I surprised them with lunch at our favorite hot dog place. We got there early and settled at a shaded table with a breeze where we could people watch while eating our meal.

Pool Days are Back!
This may be the one we’re excited about the most! We had our first pool day this week and this is the latest that we’ve EVER had our first summer swim. We just couldn’t get it in before the wedding, but believe me, we will be making up for lost time all summer and getting in as many swims as possible. And I always have a book in the pool bag. This week’s pool book was God and My Country, one I’ve been previewing for a read-aloud I’m considering doing with my son this summer. We recently watched the old classic movie Follow Me, Boys with Fred McMurray which is based on this book. We have a rule that we always read the book before watching the movie, but I didn’t even know about this book until after the movie. Y’all, the movie was SO good. After renting it twice on Prime, we ended ordering our own DVD. The book is different from the movie but so far so good!

Evenings Around the Firepit
One of our favorite summer activities is enjoying a slow, restful evening around the firepit. This is what we like to do on summer nights around the pit: Cook hotdogs over the fire for dinner, sit around and listen to the crickets while talking and relaxing, catch lightening bugs, and then finish the evening making s’mores. Well, we had a good start Thursday night with our hotdogs roasting and crackling, but just about the time they were ready to take off the fire, a thunderstorm suddenly kicked up and we ate our dinner under the patio. It was still fun and there will be plenty more summer nights to catch those lightening bugs.
So, what is something summery you enjoyed about your week?
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I love this idea of a review in photos! I think I’ll try it!
Good, I hope you do, Missy! I love reading other bloggers’ reviews!