This week began a new school year for my son in homeschooling and my daughter with her online classes and the preschool where she works. There are always a few things to iron out the first week, but all in all, it was a good first week of school!

Smoothies and banana muffins have been the popular breakfast for all so far!

We got back to our study routine, sometimes at the kitchen table and sometimes lounging on the couch, but always a candle burning and a cat sleeping close by. I think the pets are happy that we’re back to homeschooling.

Guitar lessons and tennis lessons will continue this year, and we have great instructors for both! A friend to teach guitar and my nephew to teach tennis. Both are fine young men, and my son looks forward to his lessons so much.

His neighborhood friend takes tennis with him, so those boys are having a blast together.

Their lesson is earlier in the week, and we try to get in some practice later in the week at the courts in another neighborhood near us. See that covered area? That’s here I sit and watch while they’re playing in the blazing sun. It’s not a bad setup when a little breeze comes by.

I ordered this teacher bag for my daughter’s back-to-school basket and I sent one to my Texas daughter too since she’s going back to her preschool this year. I thought it was so cute.

My daughter also volunteers at an equine therapy center for children with special needs. The next couple of photos are part of the sensory trail. I love this!

We also made several bottles of kombucha. It was fun to come up with different fruity flavors.

And lastly, this week I saw the first sign of fall coming and it had nothing to do with cooling temperatures–but I wish! It had to do with the lighting.

I noticed on my walks that it was just a wee darker when I set out in the mornings, and I was able to catch the sunrises. This always gives me such a peaceful start to my day.

OK that’s a quick look at our first week of school! Thanks for popping in today!
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Alinda, I just love your posts. You always inspire me!
Thanks for sharing your first week of school. It made me smile, thinking of our homeschooling years. So much fun! I’m excited for all the things your children are doing as they expand the gifts God has given them. I love how you and your husband encourage their interests. I pray this is a wonderful year for you as you continue to pour into your precious family. ❤️
Denise, this is just so sweet! To hear that you enjoy my posts and can find something inspiring in them is a blessing and encouragement! That has been my prayer. And it’s exactly what your blog has been for me! I’m also grateful for your encouraging words regarding our parenting and your prayers for our school year. As you know there is both blessing and heaviness that comes along with this assignment from God and sometimes just receiving a “good job, mama!” is all we need to spur us on through another season. Thank you!