Happy weekend! In scrolling back through my photos from the week, I was struck by the brightness and color of the season. I’m starting with my favorite little snapshot of the week. During an early morning check of the garden the butterflies were all aflutter, but I managed to catch a quick snapshot of this pretty one with her yellow wings, resting briefly on the dome of a peachy zinnia.

I went out one evening to clip some blooms and loved how pretty they were just piled in my basket in every shade of pink.

The tomatoes just amaze me with their colors changing through a range of green, yellow, orange, and red. It’s just fascinating to observe the progression each day.

I tried a new summer recipe of fig and prosciutto flatbread from Refresh Her but topped it peaches and blackberries (I didn’t have figs) and honey goat cheese. I sent a pic to my daughter, and she commented on how colorful it was. Well, let me tell you, it was not only colorful but DELISH! I ended up making this flatbread 3 times in one week and even took it to a luncheon with friends.

My morning walks are bursting with the biggest, brightest, sun-shiniest welcome rising over the ridge!

These last two photos are not my own but ones my sister sent me from her trip to London! The one below was snapped at the Tower of London! That’s quite big boy snail hanging on to those yellow blossoms.

And this next one is a garden of flowers growing where there once was a moat. Such lovely summer flowers– I love English gardens!

I hope you’re having a colorful summer too! Isn’t God’s creation magnificent! Have a great weekend and I’ll be back next week with a scone recipe and a recap of our spring semester.
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What beautiful pictures!
London, wow how cool. Which sister is there?
Thanks, Heidi. Allison’s family was there! They went to Scotland too!
Wow, that’s awesome. I bet it was an incredible trip!
Yes, I can’t wait to see the rest of her photos! Joel and I are hoping to go one day and it’ll be nice to know someone who’s been and can give advice. 😊
Gorgeous and delicious looking as well!! You’ve inspired me to plant zinnias for the 3rd time this summer. The last few years I’ve lost the charm for growing zinnias even though they remain one of my favorite flowers!
Nobody grows zinnias better than you, Mom! Something must be eating your seed maybe?? Glad you’re going at it again!