This week was back to school for us. Well, mostly. I like to have what I call my “soft opening” to the school year. You know how restaurants have soft openings before the official grand opening? Well, that’s how we begin a new school year. We start with some of the core subjects the first week just to get into the rhythm and then ease our way into the extras during the second and third weeks. When my girls were younger, we waited until September to get started but as they got into high school, they needed the earlier start to keep up during the spring activities.

Back-to-School Blizzards
We usually go out to eat for a back-to-school lunch or dinner but since we’d eaten out several times on our trip to Waco, we decided to eat at home and then go get ice cream for dessert! We took a drive downtown which is always so pretty in the evening.

We went through the Dairy Queen drive thru for our favorite Blizzards and my son decided to branch out and try their banana split which he loved. Give me an M&M blizzard any day!

Back-to-School Biscuits
We had our taste buds all set for waffles for the first day of school but, having been out of town until last weekend, I didn’t realize I was out of eggs. In fact, we were out of most everything! But I had ingredients for biscuits, so I made those, and we ate them with butter and honey, and they were sooo good!

Back-to-School Brew
And of course, I’ll be starting the school day with coffee! We brought home some of Magnolia Press’s legendary pecan coffee from our trip to Texas so that was the brew of the week at our house!

Back-to-School Blankets
This is just to say we love to be cozy during our school time and that always calls for blankets…we have many! And candles! A bonus was it rained all week making our study time even more cozy. The temps cooled a bit (well, for Alabama), so we lit candles, wrapped up in blankets, and cuddled kitties while reading.

Floyd’s already a natural at this homeschooling thing!

Back-to-School Business
Our son has been working on his pumpkin patch all summer but around the time school starts back is when it gets serious. Last year was his first try at it and he didn’t end up with the crop he’d wished for because many died while still small, so this year he’s hoping for enough to sell.

To our surprise, this week we found the first few baby pumpkins which means lots of after school pumpkin care! If you have any pumpkin growing tips (Lisa and Cindy, I’m talking to you!) please share!

Back-to-School Daybreak
My morning walk is getting darker and darker each week which means fall is on its way! Woohoo!

Back-to-School Bash
We celebrated the accomplishment of our first week of school with our sweet homeschool neighbor friends and cookies and crafts! Details to come in my next post.
Until then, I’m signing off with one last “B” in my alliteration list and that is the word BREAK. For my Instagram friends, I’m taking a break from Insta to focus on getting the school year off to a good start. But I’ll still be here at my blog so drop in again!
Have a great weekend!
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What a beautiful picture of downtown!!
Isn’t it pretty! I had Joel circle back around the block just so I could snap that! 😂
I have reconsidered the cholesterol content and decided one a year would be acceptable!! HA!
Oh for sure!
Yes! Banana split blizzards! My favorite… even though I haven’t allowed myself one in over a year!! I feel a weak moment of indulgence overtaking me!!
Well I’d say you’re overdue for a banana split, Mom! Dairy Queen is definitely a treat we all need sometimes! 🍦 😋