Happy Saturday! I’m looking back at my phone photos from the week and here are a few highlights.

My son and I called BINGO at the assisted living facility this week and we had a great time with our sweet friends! Everyone was in a lighthearted, cheerful mood so there was a plenty of laughing and joking around throughout the game.
Afterwards we spent the rest of the afternoon shopping for fall clothes for my son. This boy is growing so fast and had grown out of his clothes! He’s loves telling everyone that he’s now 5 feet, 4 and 1/8 inches tall! Yes, he makes sure he gets in the 1/8th inch because he’s hoping to pass his mom soon therefore, he’s counting every little bit (I’m 5’5″ so he’s getting close!).

The next day was my daughter’s turn for fall shopping. We went to all her favorite places beginning with picking up iced coffees at Dunkin Donuts, then on to Burlington, Old Navy, and Hobby Lobby. She’s a sweet girl and I truly enjoy spending time with her.

I made some “thank you” deliveries this week. I love putting together gifties. I purchased some miniature pots of fall mums and needed a way to carry them. I had some fall boxes for baked goods in my stash and just took the clear plastic window out of the top to hold the plant. This worked well and kept the plants from rolling around in my car. I added a little fall card and a coffee gift card from Dunkin Donuts.

I spent a couple of hours one afternoon experimenting with a new recipe for my October scone and tea post which I’ll share next week. For now, here’s a sneak peek, and I must say, it’s pretty tasty!

I hope you all have the best weekend! October is flying by, isn’t it!
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