Happy Monday, friends! I’ve been a little lowkey around here for a few months but not because anything is wrong or because I’ve been too busy. Actually, we had such a pleasantly slow spring for the first time in several years!
As I entered my fifties a few months ago, I told my husband that I just wanted to be quiet for a bit and listen to God, slow down, block out other noises, think, and be purposeful moving into this new decade. I truly like where I am in this season of life! I enjoy having grown kids and I also enjoy still having a young one. I’ve been blessed with more time with my husband, more time with some friends, and even a little time for myself. I’m not talking about spa days and pedicure kind of “me time”, but things like reading more and going to bed earlier– remember I’m 50 now, those are joys, ha!
I’m really excited about picking back up with blogging but before I do, I just want to say a little something about what I post. I am in no way posting anything here to be braggy. I just like pretty things! I enjoy creativity in the everyday, in my home, in taking photos, in setting a table, and it makes me want to share. These are things in my simple daily living that delight me. Posting photos and adding some words are just a part of the joy for me–the celebration of God’s blessings!– and I pray that’s how they’re received.
When I get remarks that imply otherwise, I tend to pull back and not do what I enjoy for fear of offending. But I look around and, my goodness, I know so many people who have such skill, knowledge, and talent in areas I have absolutely none! What I post is just the stuff I know to do (and not even always done well), but if anything that you read or see here brings frustration on you in any way, then please feel free to release yourself from following along. I say that with all sincerity and love.
Now, let’s look at some pretty things! I don’t claim to be a photographer, and these are just taken with my cell phone because again this is everyday stuff, so they are not the best quality but still pretty things.

I watched this little hummingbird while we were walking around San Antonio last week. She was so interesting and FAST. After following her for a while, it’s almost as if she finally agreed to pose for me.

These pics were taken while we were driving out of Texas and through a very dirty windshield, but they just speak “Texas” to me! I love the landscape of Texas. Sunrises, farmhouses, graceful windmills, and wide-open spaces.

We visited an aquarium on our trip last week and I just always get so tickled over the starfish because they remind me of Peach from Finding Nemo. I have many more photos of beautiful things from our trip to share, so more on Texas coming soon!

I’m so happy to have a little garden this year with flowers, veggies, and herbs! It’s just the size I feel like I can manage without getting in over my head, and I love having my hands in the dirt.

I love the color of these sunflowers against the blue sky.

I’m just as interested in the little creatures that visit our garden as I am in the plants growing. We’re seeing lots of butterflies, bumble bees, and lady bugs which are just so delightful! There are also lots of nasty pests, but they aren’t in the “pretty things” category, so we’ll save those for another post.

I’ll share more about our garden and other life sometime this week as part of my catching up! Hope you’re all having a great summer so far!
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So many pretty things you have shared today! The variety in all that God has created always astounds me.
He truly is a magnificent Creator!! There’s so much of His beauty to enjoy on this earth. Thanks for poppinh in today!