Any Instant Pot people out there? I may be way behind on the trend, but after having absolutely no interest for the last year in purchasing and making room in my cabinets for another appliance, I finally took the plunge and got one!
What finally won me over? Well, besides learning that I could cook frozen meat in an hour, and dried beans in less than an hour without presoaking, what really stopped me in my tracks was hearing about the EASY PEEL EGGS!!! WHAT?!
I love boiled eggs, egg salad, deviled eggs, you name it. But I absolutely loath peeling the eggs! So much so, that when I ask a hostess what I can bring to a meal, I’m secretly saying in my mind, “Please no deviled eggs, please pleeeeeaaase no deviled eggs!” Maybe some of you know the secret, but for me, peeling those little guys is impossible to do without tearing off chunks of egg with the shell. Not too pretty for presentation!
So when I heard about the claim of easy peel eggs, I decided I had to give the Instant Pot a try. I found my Instant Pot on sale after Christmas at Target for $69, and it’s the Duo Nova 6-quart. It took some reading through the manual and tinkering a bit to get to know my Instant Pot, but it’s been worth the time. And of course, one of my first experiments in the pot was those legendary easy-peel eggs. I followed this recipe from Taste of Home and here’s how it went:
I placed the eggs and one cup of water in the Instant Pot on the trivet, sealed the lid, and set the pressure cooking for 5 minutes (it takes several minutes to heat and build pressure before the 5 minute cooking starts). The Instant Pot counts down the minutes and beeps when the cooking is complete.
I then let the pot vent naturally for 5 more minutes (the pot will start to count back up for you!), and then released any remaining pressure with the valve (check manual on how to do this safely). I opened the lid and transferred the eggs to an ice bath for 5 more minutes. At this point, I could have placed them in the fridge to peel and use later, but I went ahead and peeled them immediately. Either will work.
So those claims of easy peel? True?
Oh my, YES!!! The shell just slides off, and that right there is worth the entire $69 I paid for the pot!
I peeled the whole bowl of eggs in no time at all, and look at how smooth and shiny they are! No missing chunks!
The yoke was perfectly cooked (refer to the link for cooking times for jumbo eggs or for soft boil eggs.). Just the perfect shade of yellow and the perfect doneness.
I’m so happy with my purchase! I still haven’t found a place in my cabinets for it so it’s still out on my counter, but I’ll probably be using it a couple of times a week anyway. I’ve tried a few other recipes in it as well, one of which was a BBQ recipe for my cookbook club! So check back because I’ll be posting that recipe with photos soon.
Have a blessed day, friends!
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Impressive! I haven’t taken the plunge yet, either, but we keep boiled eggs in the fridge all the time. You are tempting me…
Go for it, Missy! It’s worth it for the eggs alone, but I’m finding many other wonderful uses. You won’t be disappointed!