Last summer I mentioned in a post that I’d tried a method of Bible study where you read a book of the Bible 20 times in a row to really absorb it. You can find that post with a longer explanation here. My husband and I read through Romans 20 times, and I really loved the experience.
This year (beginning back in January) I’ve been reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap App for my daily reading. Since I have more time in the summer months, I wanted to also read another book of the Bible 20 times. I first thought I’d read through John but then when our preacher announced that his sermon series would be on the book of James, I decided that would be a more logical choice. I’m still doing my daily Bible Recap each morning but have also been reading through James. I just finished #19–one more to go! (Btw, James is much shorter than Romans so this has been much easier to accomplish this time!)

A bonus to this is that it has enriched my Sunday morning sermon experience to have already been studying the text before hearing our preacher’s lesson. I find myself looking forward to hearing what he has to say and eager to take in more explanation about a certain passage that I’ve been pouring over all week. I’ll definitely continue this practice in the future and just thought that I’d pass the idea along in case you’re looking to engage more in your church sermons.
Have a great day!
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