Happy Friday, friends! The kids and I have been chipping away at our summer cleanout list and we follow one simple rule. A year after my husband and I were married, I cleaned out our whole house–all 1292 square feet of it–and was shocked at how much we’d accumulated in that little house in just a year’s time. I then made up the “One Year Rule” which I still follow. If we haven’t used it or worn it in the last year, it has to go! Of course, there are a few exceptions to this rule like my wedding dress, the children’s keepsakes, special china and dishes, etc. But I’m talking about the stuff that is supposed to be the everyday stuff that just isn’t getting used like the kitchen gadget we forgot about, that shirt that never fit right, toys that a kid has outgrown. Ya know.
Summer Cleanout
Here’s what we’ve done so far:
Kitchen– All cabinets, drawers, fridge, pantry, school shelf and cabinet, wipe cabinets
Dining Room–Wedding stuff on the table, butler’s closet
Coffee/Tea Room—cabinets, drawers, mini fridge
Bedrooms–closets, drawers, bookshelves, toys, desks
Bathrooms–cabinets, drawers
Laundry room–cabinets, craft carts
Attic–school storage, misc.
And here’s what’s left to do:
Attic–seasonal decorations and clothes
Garage–EVERYTHING! (saving for Labor Day weekend)
All rooms–windows, blinds, baseboards, light fixtures, wash drapes
Pumpkin loves a good cleaning project as much as I do and positions herself nearby so she’s ready to claim an empty shelf before I can get the stuff back in there.
My butler’s closet had become an absolute wreck! I got rid of everything stained, faded, torn, dated, or broken. Oh, you might be wondering why there is a pinata on the top shelf, lol! Well, we are getting ready to host a Mexican fiesta graduation party for a friend next week and I’m trying to keep that pinata away from the cats!
It’s crazy that I would take a photo of a drawer, but honestly it just feels so good to get something clean that I’m always tempted to capture the moment.
My favorite in the whole house: the tea drawer!!
I’ve already taken one vanload of stuff to our charity thrift store, and I’ll soon be taking another one. Ahh, the relief!
This cleaning out project was long overdue! We had an incredibly busy spring with school, soccer, and wedding so the clutter had gotten pretty bad. I don’t know about you but having my spaces clean and organized puts such a happy spring in my step! Cooking is more fun, laundry is more fun, getting ready in the morning is more fun. And I keep going back to the pantry or a closet or drawer just to look inside and see how lovely it is! Anyone else? Now that the organizing is almost done, it’s time to get back to regular house cleaning. Today I’ll tackle the floors and dusting.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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Jodi Chesnutt
You know I agree with this post 1000%…and it’s never crazy to take a picture of a cabinet or drawer:) I take before and after pics all the time when organizing. It’s amazing to see what a little time organizing can do to reclaim your space!
Oh, Jodi! You have made my day! 🤗 I need to talk to you sometime and get some tips from you. I like your phrase “reclaim your space”. Wow, now that you put it that way, it does feel like I gave my house back to myself! 🏠 💗
I’m impressed! I need to run to the thrift store and see if I can find some treasures 😆
Ha! My little helper kept saying, “We could just give this ‘this-n-such’ to Mrs. Rivers’s kids” and I would say, “No! I’m not forcing our junk on Rivers!” 🤣🤣🤣 I have to defend other mamas because I know we all get weary of the excess stuff. 😉
Please come do my house next! I have drawer envy!😆 Everything looks so organized,I know the finished product has got to be so satisfying!
Lol, I should have taken a picture of the before and you would NOT have had drawer envy! 😅 But yes, it is very satisfying to have it done, especially before school starts—I know you can relate!