A few years ago, my brother and I were talking and catching up with each other and I mentioned that I hadn’t been on Facebook in a while, just in case I’d missed something he might have posted. He laughed and said, “I can’t even remember the last time I’ve been on Facebook, but you know, Facebook doesn’t miss me!” This both humored and struck me and I replied, “Yes, Facebook doesn’t really need me either!”
The last couple of months, I took a post-Christmas break from my social media accounts as I like to do every now and then. And you know what? As usual, neither Facebook nor Instagram missed me! Ha! I don’t mean that my close friends and family didn’t miss me, because we were still in contact in many other ways. I mean Facebook as a group and Instagram as a group didn’t miss a beat without me. Now, being a bit of an introvert who does not crave the spotlight, I’m pretty okay with that.
But it got me to thinking about the Church. Are we as a Church body missing those who are absent, or are we not even missing a beat without them? How often do I personally miss someone in their absence and reach out to them? Doesn’t it feel so good to get that text or phone call from a church member when you’ve been absent and they just want to check on you? And doesn’t it feel so bad when nobody seems to notice at all? I’ve been on both sides of that, and I know which I prefer.
Starting conversations and making phone calls can sometimes be difficult for me, but I know what I need to do, and I know what God wants me to do. So, let’s all go to church this Sunday and notice who is missing and reach out to them during the week!
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