Good Friday! Just popping in this morning to share a cute little resource for your Easter festivities!
I’ve mentioned before that I get so much creative inspiration from other blogs. Lately, that has come in the form of some really fun gift tags from Memory Makin’ Momma! I love, LOVE gift giving! The packaging is a fun part of that for me, and special gift tags are the cherry on top! For Easter I ordered these Peter Rabbit tags and some others with a beautiful floral cross and Bible verse.
Memory Makin’ Momma not only offers the tags for purchase ($5 for the PDF file, sent quickly to your email to print as many times as you like—can’t beat that!), but also gives great ideas for using the tags. For these Peter Rabbit tags, she included an idea for a fun play date with friends.
Having dear friends just a few doors down allows our Incredi-Boy some sweet built-in neighborhood pals! It’s fun and easy to get together, even if it’s just a few minutes of a bike ride or talking in our front yards late afternoon. And they homeschool too!
We’d been planning a spring picnic down at the creek, but after seeing a couple of snakes last week (yikes!), we decided to bring those plans back up to the patio until my man can get the wooded area cleared out a little more. So since our wooded picnic didn’t work out, and I knew the kids would be disappointed, I decided to “tag along” with Jennifer’s idea and recreate her Easter play date with my own little crew.
The kiddos had a great time together with a very simple lunch, craft, egg hunt, and bike rides. Oh, and of course our pet bunnies got some attention and play time too! What’s an Easter picnic without a bunny, right? And we mommies and my Country Girl sat under the breezy porch and enjoyed a lovely afternoon.
Above is a closeup of the tags. I tied them to gift bags containing a Debbie Cake, bubbles, an activity book, and their craft kit. Jennifer has since made a blue version for boys, although Incredi-Boy didn’t complain about his pink one since it was on a blue bag. I plan to use the cross tags this weekend to package some cross-shaped sugar cookies. They are so pretty. I wish I had a photo already to share, but go check them out!
And below are some of the little ceramic figurines that the kids painted at the picnic. That was a hit! Found those at Dollar General (but they do break easily!).
I’m loving all things Easter right now. It’s such a refreshing and hopeful time. New life popping up all over the earth, a risen Savior, warmer weather!!
I pray you have a blessed weekend with beautiful spring weather and meaningful worship this Resurrection Sunday!
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