Good morning, friends! We had a busy and fun Easter week, so I just want to quickly journal some blessings today.
I haven’t had have much time this spring to get too involved with my yard, but one morning last week I ran to Lowe’s to pick up some flowers to get started on pots and beds. I’d just been gifted a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card by Whitney from Come Home for Comfort for answering a Bible-related question on her Instagram story (@homeforcomfort), and since our DD is conveniently located next to Lowe’s, it only made sense to swing through the drive-thru and grab a latte to accompany me on my plant shopping trip. This was such a little treasure in my busy week! I mean, flowers and latte–is there anything better?! Thank you, Whitney!

I brought my purchases home having no idea when I’d have the time to get these flowers in pots or ground (I usually plan better), but when my daughter’s out-of-town soccer game was cancelled Thursday, I used the unexpected time to get everything planted. We have MUCH more to do in the yard, but I was so tickled to at least get started and see some color and beauty!

Good Friday started with a lovely sunrise. Most mornings I walk early, beginning in the dark and watching the sun come up along the way. I was so eager to get out and watch the sunrise on Good Friday! Walking in the quiet of the morning always gives me a calm start to the day, and my Good Friday walk was a sweet time of reflection. By the time I got back from my walk, the sun was streaming across my front flower bed. So pretty.

We had some homeschool friends coming to our house for an Easter party that day, and my kids have always been required to help out when their friends come over. My son worked with me to clean off the patio, tidy his room, wash the windows, make the sandwiches (with my help), and decorate the chalkboard.
This brings me to a little sidenote and tip: Mamas, don’t break your necks trying to manage every detail. I had a design in mind for the chalkboard but did not have time to get it drawn, so I put my son in charge of the chalkboard design, which thrilled him, and it turned out great! I’ve had my kids make signs and place cards, write names on cups, set tables, etc. when I’m running behind and our guests are always happy to see a child’s handiwork. Don’t worry about it not being perfect; they’ll know a child did it and they’ll think it’s so cute!

Since the forecast was showing pretty weather, we set the party up on the patio with a few Easter decorations and goodie bags for the kids.

When everyone arrived, we started our fun with an Easter egg hunt in the woods!

Next, we ate a delicious lunch which was a group effort by all the moms. I provided ham sliders, slaw, bunny tails (white cheese puffs), and cookies. The other moms brought fruit, salads, chips and dip. Before fixing our plates, my son read the passages about Christ’s death and resurrection and gave a brief devotional, and another of our boys led us in prayer for the meal. I’m so proud of how our kids are growing and maturing in their faith.

After lunch and some playtime, we let them dye Easter eggs. Each mom brought a couple dozen boiled eggs and a pack Easter egg dye. This kept them busy for a very long time and we all had plenty of eggs for each family to take home (we’re eating lots of egg salad this week!).

Saturday was supposed to be an early day out with my son’s soccer, but the weather cancelled those plans. Instead, we slept in and enjoyed a quiet and relaxing morning sipping coffee. We were all so drained from the week that this change of plans was just what we needed. Even the cat was feeling it.

For lunch, I met a couple of friends who treated me to a belated birthday meal. How sweet! We had a pleasant visit, catching up on our lives, families, travel, and work.
On Sunday morning, I helped serve at an Easter breakfast our church offered. The food was fantastic, and the decorations were so pretty I had to take some pictures. It was quite dreary outside, but these table decorations offered all the brightness of spring!

After breakfast we had a sweet time of worship with a great sermon and singing that was so full, I think everyone was happy to be there.

Aren’t these flowers stunning!! Someone told me that a lady in our congregation made this arrangement. And the stone-looking bridge is part of a sermon series that wrapped up on Easter. I hope you had a nice church service too!

After church we went to lunch at my Mother-in-law’s and enjoyed a tasty meal and her legendary carrot cake–the dessert I look forward to every Easter! Then we went to visit with my side of the family for a while before heading home to a rainy evening. I didn’t get any photos of family, not even of my husband and kids and me. But I’m sure we all enjoyed each other’s company enough to remember the day well. I’ll do better next time!
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Sounds like a perfect weekend. Lots of friends and family, plus some unexpected downtime! As for forgetting to take some pictures, I’ve often pondered the question “if an event happens and no pictures are taken, did it really happen”? The answer is most definitely! I’m glad you chronicled it. It sounds like everyone had a great weekend!
I agree, Missy. I’m very visual so I loooove having photos of all our memories, but I think with all our modern devices that make taking photos so easy, we might sometimes be more focused on getting the perfect picture rather than the experience itself.
Thanks, Missy! Hope you and your sweet family had a great Easter as well! 💗
Loved reading your Easter post!! We enjoyed our day at your house; it’s always a blessing. I LOVE my kids have friendships that point them to Jesus.
Isn’t that the truth! It’s such an answered prayer to have Jesus-loving families with which to raise our kids. I adore your sweet kiddos! 🥰