We had a fun first week of school here at our little home academy! As with every year, I prayed all summer about our upcoming school year. And, as always, God resolved every question, concern, and decision I took before Him, and got us off to a great start. I love homeschooling my kids and am so thankful for the journey we've experienced together, and, because of that, I can easily get excited for the start of a new year. Here are a few highlights of our first week: We always have a "Pre-First Day of School" on the Friday before our first whole week. This is just a fun day when we take first day photos, hand out school surprises, set up new notebooks, go over the year's plan, and have ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: First Day Traditions for Homeschoolers
This Friday starts a new school year for our us! We sure like our little family school! It's been quite an adventure for the last 12 years with sooo many fun memories made! One of those memories is our back-to-school tradition, and today I'd like to share with you how we make the first day of school special and a success. I have many photos from all of our first days of school, but almost all of them have my kids in them (naturally) and I don't post photos of my children on the blog. First of all, I had to come to realize years ago that cramming in a special breakfast, back-to-school buckets, first-day photos, notebook-making, and a full day of schoolwork in each of our subjects was ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: Teaching Them to Teach
I love all the teachable moments God presents in a single day! A few days ago my son was helping me with some yard work which always holds many opportunities for life lessons. First, we raked back all the pine straw from the beds to expose the weeds. I talked to my son about how the weeds in our lives could be sin or bad influences, and sometimes we need to expose the weeds that we haven't realized are there by asking God to search our hearts. Next we pulled the weeds out of the ground and I showed him how to get down to the root so they won't grow back so quickly. He often just pulls off the tops, so I explained how that would cause us to have to weed the bed again in just a couple ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: First Favorites
I believe one of the most rewarding works my hands have been blessed to do as a mom has been holding a book open to read to my children. In my very unprofessional opinion, reading to a child in our laps or sitting beside us gives opportunity for physical closeness and quality time together, making it a wonderful way to bond with that child. I have always loved reading with my kids, and, like many of you mamas, would have done so regardless of homeschooling. Today I'd like to share my favorite early literature guide for children. First Favorites by Veritas Press has a very special place in this mama's heart. It was the tool that helped expand the subject of reading into a love for ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: My Bible Coloring Book
Good Tuesday morning! Today I want to share a coloring book that I used with my kids for many years. It's Shirley Dobson's My Bible Coloring Book. This recommendation is not just for moms, but would also be great to have on hand if you're a grandmother, aunt, babysitter, or Bible class teacher! It covers 119 Bible stories with a coloring page and scripture reference for each Bible story. It's a fun way to go through the entire Bible with children. For my pre-readers or new readers, I would either tell them the story or read it from a beginner's Bible and then let them color the picture. Later, when they were independent readers, I would cycle the coloring book again, having them read ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: The 4th of July!
I’m starting a new series today called “Teach Them Tuesday”. As a homeschooling mom and Bible class teacher, I’ve always benefited from the recommendations other moms and teachers have offered on books, curricula, and other resources for teaching our children. This series is nothing more that: endorsements for anything I’ve used and found beneficial. I do not claim to be any kind of expert! These recommendations are just from the humble heart of a mom! With the 4th of July this week, I thought I'd share a couple of books that we've read in the past that have helped frame our minds for this historic occasion. Since July 4th falls during the summer break, children sometimes miss the ... Read more