A few years ago, my brother and I were talking and catching up with each other and I mentioned that I hadn't been on Facebook in a while, just in case I'd missed something he might have posted. He laughed and said, "I can't even remember the last time I've been on Facebook, but you know, Facebook doesn't miss me!" This both humored and struck me and I replied, "Yes, Facebook doesn't really need me either!" The last couple of months, I took a post-Christmas break from my social media accounts as I like to do every now and then. And you know what? As usual, neither Facebook nor Instagram missed me! Ha! I don't mean that my close friends and family didn't miss me, because we were still in ... Read more
The Love Language of Food
Oh, my friends! My HEART is so happy it’s the first day of February! My girl and I will be putting out our few little Valentine's decorations today. Nothing over-the-top, just some kisses of red and pink around the house. And since this month is all about love, I'd like to share one of my favorite love languages. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Gary Chapman's five "Love Languages": words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, gift-giving, and acts of service. I can most certainly identify with more than one of those languages, however, I'd like to propose another love language: FOOD! And maybe it’s not really it’s own separate love language but rather it encompasses ... Read more
Sunday Lunch
Let’s talk Sundee lunch. No, that's not a typo. It's just how we say it around here, except it's sort of blended together into one word: "Sundeelunch". Say it to yourself and see if that doesn't have a happy sound to it! There's just something special about a meal that follows a time of worship. Feeding our bodies after being fed the Word is like a celebration, and most everyone I know has their own unique way of setting this meal apart from other meals of the week. For some, a homecooked meal with all the fixings is the way to go, while for others, eating out with no kitchen cleanup is the real treat. Occasionally, our family will brave the crowds and eat out (Asian and Mexican restaurants ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: Thumbprint Angels and a Christmas Story
Yesterday I mentioned a Christmas party we had with our homeschool friends. My friend, Kelli, hosted the event and did an amazing job planning and orchestrating a rotation of activities to accommodate our large number of kiddos! She arranged areas around her home for four stations: story, craft, cookie decorating, and games. She took care of the story time and asked three more of us mamas to take the other stations. I was assigned the craft station, so I planned a craft that would go along with the book Kelli would be reading in her station. The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, by Gloria Houston, is a heartwarming story about a little girl, Ruthie, and her parents living in the ... Read more
What to do With Mom Guilt (or any kind of guilt!): Part 2
Today I'm continuing my two-part series on what to do with mom guilt, which can be applied to any kind of guilt really, whether you're a mom, aunt, friend, coworker, wife, etc. Yesterday I addressed dealing with misplaced guilt and you can read about here if you missed it. Today we'll look at dealing with guilt when we've truly done something wrong. When my first baby girl was just a newborn, I was so smitten, I'd cuddle her while looking into her little angel face with much pleasure, thinking, 'I don't see how we'll ever be upset with each other. I could never get mad at her or hurt her feelings. We're going to be the best of friends!' Are you laughing yet? Yep, my girls laughed ... Read more
What to do With Mom Guilt (or any kind of guilt!): Part 1
In the following posts, I use examples of motherhood to examine guilt because, well, I'm a mom. That's where I am in life right now, so that is currently where my life lessons often come from, but these thoughts and tips on handling guilt apply to ALL. Whether it's mom guilt, aunt guilt, friend guilt, wife guilt, daughter guilt, coworker guilt, church member guilt, or ANY kind of guilt burdening your heart, I hope to encourage you through this two-part series with my few humble thoughts on where our guilt might be coming from, and some helpful responses to that guilt. So even if you're not a mom, please keep reading! If the words "mom guilt" resonate with you, I assure you, you're not ... Read more
In Your Morning Prayers
Prayer is an 24-hour, around-the-clock practice for me. “Practice” may not even be the correct word. My relationship with my Lord means there is communication between us throughout my days as need arises—“Please Lord, intervene here.” Or when I want to share in a moment with Him—“The sun is gorgeous today, Lord! Thank you!” Or, in those moments in the middle of the night when worry rears it’s ugly head and I find myself awake with fret—“God, please carry us through this.” I can’t imagine only speaking to my husband once in the morning and then being done for another 24 hours! What kind of relationship would that be?! As with my husband, my communication with God never stops. ... Read more
Family Nativity Dinner
For about the last ten years, our family has kept an annual tradition of a Nativity Dinner in December. Some years it's just us, some years we invite friends, and some years we use the menu for our small group Christmas party. Since we were home for Christmas Eve this year, we planned our Nativity Dinner for that night, with just us, and it was so special! I arranged my tablescape earlier in the month to stay set up through all of the holidays, New Year's included. My table arrangement is similar to last year's New Year's table, but with a few tweaks. And I kept with the same Christmas Biltmore inspiration I used in the den. This was such a fun and colorful table to put together, ... Read more