Hey, friends! I'm popping in today to share what I've been using for my Bible study for this year. I hope to always be a student of the Word for all my life, no matter how old I get or how many times I've already read the Bible. It just gets better and better! Each year, starting January 1st, I either read through the Bible on a 12-month schedule or focus more deeply on a few books of the Bible throughout that year. When reading through the entire text, I enjoy the chronological method and have used a chronological Bible (a physical paper copy) for that in the past. Last year was my first year doing it through an audio app rather than reading an actual Bible. I joined a Bible Recap group ... Read more
Oh, Come Let us Adore….Baby Jeefus!
I had the sweetest experience Sunday morning while in our 2-year-old room at church. Through this month the children are learning about the birth of Christ and so there was a wooden manger in the classroom. There is just nothing sweeter than hearing little ones talk about the Baby Jesus, or as one tiny voice exclaimed, "Baby Jeefus!" "Our manger is empty! Who can help me find Baby Jesus to place in the manger?", I challenged during playtime. These sweet children--just babies themselves--scurried to the toy bins to be the first to retrieve a baby doll. We ended up with not one, but FOUR Baby Jeefuses! They cuddled, rocked, and kissed Baby Jesus. They placed him carefully in the ... Read more
Peace in a Troubled World
I think we can all agree that the world is full of suffering, conflict, and disharmony, as it always has been since the fall of man. BUT, the words of Jesus himself spoken to his disciples in John 16 can reassure us that through Him we may have peace during these troubled times. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble: but be of good cheer! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 Have a blessed Sunday! ... Read more
Movie Recommendation!
Good Monday morning! Just popping in for a quick movie recommendation. Our church had a theater reserved yesterday afternoon for The Forge and it was such a great movie! It's about a young man who is at a pivotal point in his life. Having just graduated from high school with no direction for his future, very little respect for others, and a father who left the family, he must decide if he'll go the way of the world or chose forgiveness and Godly manhood. Our family has enjoyed all of the Kendrick Brother movies, and we think this one is their best yet! And the very best part of all......the return of Miss Clara!!! (from War Room) If you have a chance to see this movie, you won't be ... Read more
Are you weary and burdened?
I've had this photo of my kitty for a long time, and I think it must be what I look like when I'm so heavy-hearted and giving all my worries to God. You know when the weariness and stress of life has bubbled up to your eyeballs and you just want rest? Do you ever physically feel the effects of a Bible passage as you read it? When the truth of it calms your heart and eases your mind, causing your body's tension to release, your muscles to relax, and your lungs to let out a long cleansing sigh? This is what I feel when I read Jesus's words in Matthew 11:28-30. "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, because ... Read more
Don’t Throw People Below?
While visiting Mesa Verde last year we got so tickled over one little sign. As we stood at the railing of a cliff, we noticed a wooden plaque that seemed to read "Don't Throw People Below". Taking just a couple of steps back to view the sign from a different perspective revealed an entirely different message. Take a look! We couldn't see the whole sign the first time! And it reminded me of how quickly we jump to conclusions before we have all the information about a situation. Many years ago, I received a text from someone while I was baking cookies with my girls. It seemed like it needed a quick response, so I carefully pecked out a simple answer with my pinky finger since my ... Read more
Getting More out of Sunday Sermons
Last summer I mentioned in a post that I'd tried a method of Bible study where you read a book of the Bible 20 times in a row to really absorb it. You can find that post with a longer explanation here. My husband and I read through Romans 20 times, and I really loved the experience. This year (beginning back in January) I've been reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap App for my daily reading. Since I have more time in the summer months, I wanted to also read another book of the Bible 20 times. I first thought I'd read through John but then when our preacher announced that his sermon series would be on the book of James, I decided that would be a more logical choice. I'm still ... Read more
A Restful Sunday
I love Sundays! We rest our bodies, we enjoy good food, and we ground ourselves spiritually through worship before starting a new week. I thought I'd show what an average Sunday looks like for our family. This is our most restful day of the week so it's pretty low key. Some Sundays are different than what I show here but this is pretty much our typical Sunday. After I shower and get ready, I head to the kitchen to put muffins in the oven and do a little lunch prep while everyone else is getting up and going. Simple muffins and fruit have been our Sunday breakfast for years. It's easy for mom and fills us for the morning. I switch up the muffin flavors each week and some of my family's ... Read more
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