Hey, friends! I'm popping in today to share what I've been using for my Bible study for this year. I hope to always be a student of the Word for all my life, no matter how old I get or how many times I've already read the Bible. It just gets better and better! Each year, starting January 1st, I either read through the Bible on a 12-month schedule or focus more deeply on a few books of the Bible throughout that year. When reading through the entire text, I enjoy the chronological method and have used a chronological Bible (a physical paper copy) for that in the past. Last year was my first year doing it through an audio app rather than reading an actual Bible. I joined a Bible Recap group ... Read more
Getting More out of Sunday Sermons
Last summer I mentioned in a post that I'd tried a method of Bible study where you read a book of the Bible 20 times in a row to really absorb it. You can find that post with a longer explanation here. My husband and I read through Romans 20 times, and I really loved the experience. This year (beginning back in January) I've been reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap App for my daily reading. Since I have more time in the summer months, I wanted to also read another book of the Bible 20 times. I first thought I'd read through John but then when our preacher announced that his sermon series would be on the book of James, I decided that would be a more logical choice. I'm still ... Read more
“The Next Chapter” Graduation Sunset Tea
Hello again! Yesterday I shared some photos from a graduation luncheon my friend Kelli hosted for our daughters with our life group mothers and daughters. It was a lemon theme to mark the girls’ “fresh start” for the college years! You can read about it here. Today I'm back to share the evening tea I hosted for the girls and their soccer friends (plus another friend and a cousin). First let me back up and share about a tea my girls and I attended a couple of years ago that my friend Missy hosted for her daughter's graduation. Y'all, this was the tea party of ALL tea parties, and you need to go read both of her posts as soon as you finish this one! It was a Hobbit themed sunset tea, and ... Read more
Snapshot Saturday: So Much to Celebrate!
Hi there! Today I have some snapshots to share from a week that included a birthday, a bridal shower, and Valentine's Day! Birthday Girl Our firstborn had a birthday last weekend and it's so hard to believe the little girl in this photo is now twenty-three! This photo was taken the Easter she was just three years old and I had made her dress and hairbow to match her doll's. Too bad her doll isn't in the photo. Such memories! Look at that sweet face. We didn't get to see her on her birthday this year since she and her husband are living in Texas, but we had a fun FaceTime call with them. ***** Kitchen Shower My sisters and sister-in-law and I threw a kitchen bridal ... Read more
Teach Them Tuesday: Bonding Through Books
Reading is a family favorite in our house! When I was growing up, I spent more of my time outside playing and climbing trees than I did inside reading, so I wasn't a strong reader but now I've spent my entire adulthood soaking up all the books I can get my hands on (since climbing trees is out for me now, ha!). And I wanted my kids to be strong readers, so I started reading to them as early as possible...the womb. I had a little basket of baby books in the nursery just waiting for baby, so while pregnant, I'd sit in the rocking chair and read those little books to my bump. Sounds silly, I know! Read-alouds have probably been our favorite part of homeschooling. In fact, my son says that's ... Read more
Snapshot Saturday
Hi, friends! We've been busy around here finishing one month and beginning another. Here are a few snapshots from our week. Birthday Trip! January ended with our son's 12th birthday and a special overnight trip to the Great Wolf Lodge in LaGrange, Georgia to enjoy their indoor water park and slides! More on this adventure next week but here's a sneak peek. We all got complimentary wolf ears at the lodge which my son just had to torment the poor cat with. But I must say, it was pretty hilarious how long Floyd left those ears on Our cats put up with a lot! ***** Blogiversary Also at the end of January was my blog's 4th anniversary! You can read my very first post ... Read more
Dickens Christmas Tea
For several years now there have been three themes for Christmas teas that I've wanted to put together: Charles Dickens, Winter Wonderland, and The Nutcracker. This year I'm finally marking two of these off my list, one of which is a Dickens Christmas! One Sunday we were meeting with our mother/teen Girls' Club and the girls got to talking about a teacher that a couple of them have for a literature class at their co-op. "Fluffy", as she allows the kids to call her, requires all her students read The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Somehow the book came into our discussion that day so I said, "Hey, we should have a Dickens Christmas tea this year!" And since she has been such a fun ... Read more
Girls’ Club Autumn Teatime and Book Discussion
Cultivating female friendships is rewarding yet sometimes tricky. My friend, Kelli, and I have seen the difficulties that our teen girls can go through with making and keeping friends. We wanted to encourage and mentor our daughters in this area as they go about their high school activities with co-ops, sports, etc., and have been getting together every other Sunday for tea and sweets while discussing a book which covers the topic of friendship with meaningful and practical advice. Girls' Club: Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World is authored by mother and daughters, Sally, Sarah, and Joy Clarkson and is certainly not written to one age group but to all girls and women who desire ... Read more