I love Sundays! We rest our bodies, we enjoy good food, and we ground ourselves spiritually through worship before starting a new week. I thought I’d show what an average Sunday looks like for our family. This is our most restful day of the week so it’s pretty low key. Some Sundays are different than what I show here but this is pretty much our typical Sunday.
After I shower and get ready, I head to the kitchen to put muffins in the oven and do a little lunch prep while everyone else is getting up and going. Simple muffins and fruit have been our Sunday breakfast for years. It’s easy for mom and fills us for the morning. I switch up the muffin flavors each week and some of my family’s favorites are pumpkin, banana, blueberry, and chocolate chip.

We head to church for a morning of Bible study and worship– singing, taking communion, receiving an encouraging message, and visiting with sweet friends. Pictured below is my hubby offering some thoughts during our time of communion yesterday. He did a great job!

After church we usually stop at Fresh Market which is by our church. I do my weekly grocery shopping at Aldi but sometimes on Sunday I need a couple of things, usually more bananas!

We mainly just like to go in because it’s pleasant! We smell the different coffees and we almost always pick out a bag of yogurt pretzels to snack on for the way home since we have about a 25-minute drive plus some time for finishing up lunch and we’re already hungry! They have seasonal flavors, so we try a different flavor each week. Yesterday’s pick was blackberry cobbler crunch–so good!

Most Sundays we come home for lunch, but for the weekends that I don’t have time for meal prep (I try to get a lot of it done on Saturday), we eat out at our favorite Chinese restaurant. It’s easy to get seated, the prices are reasonable for a family, and we each have our favorite dishes we like to order.

Our Sunday meals at home are our big splurgy meal for the week. It’s more of a true southern comfort food meal. Yesterday we had roast with potatoes and carrots, rice, green beans, squash casserole, and rolls. Sometimes I make a pie but yesterday we had some delicious leftover cookies from my mother-in-law, so we enjoyed those instead.

After lunch we clean up and then shut down the house for the afternoon. There are the exceptions like when I have a baby shower to attend or something we’ve been invited to, but usually we’re home all afternoon. Some of us read and some nap, but either way we’re all in our own bedrooms to keep the house quiet and not stir up the dogs! I like to start with a book and read myself to sleep. I usually end up sleeping sooo hard. It’s so nice to catch up on the zzzzz’s for the week! I’ve been reading The Scent of Water by Elizabeth Goudge which is a new author for me. So far so good! (And sometimes a sleepy kitty joins us in our rest.)

For our Sunday evening, we’re usually home. Our church doesn’t have evening services but sometimes my son will go to a youth activity and so my husband and I will take a date night in town after we drop him off. But most often we’re home on Sunday nights.

Since I serve a big meal for lunch, I don’t cook for dinner. We often just snack and everyone will each just get what they feel like–smoothie, sandwich, or cereal– or, at most, I’ll put out some charcuterie type snacks (minus the charcuterie presentation, ha!). We chill with our snacks in our upstairs den and catch up on our favorite YouTube channels. I also use the sitting time to make my to-do list for my week and sometimes work on a blog post.

Before calling it a night we have what we call “family meeting”. It’s just a rundown of the week ahead so everyone is clear on scheduling, appointments, etc., and can discuss any other concerns that need attention. We end with a family prayer.
And that’s about it for our Sundays! Thanks for coming along. Tomorrow I’ll share a recipe from our Sunday lunch.
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